Mobile Aps big thing at MIT

mi030MIT has put students to work creating mobile applications for the iphone and android platforms among others. The results look impressive after a 13 week development period. They’re predicting that creating this kind of application is only going to get easier over time. Read the article and see a selection of the applications featured here.

All of the applications listed look fairly intuitive and that’s the catch with a successful mobile ap – it has to work there and then without any fiddling about. I have my doubts about restaurant bill-splitting and cinema ticket purchase aps as I’m someone who doesn’t always keep my contacts list up to date. For my money I think the locative applications offer the most potential because they are primarily intended for a mobile platform are they not? Another one of those moments where you question, why aren’t we doing this? Let’s hope that MIT are right about the potential of this to spread to educational programs everywhere. Photo from Crunchgear.

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